Denton Police Station




Denton Police Station

Images and text

last updated 2006.

Work is scheduled to begin on this fabulous, historic building in March 2006. Situated close to the countryside, The Old Police Station is within easy reach of the M60 and is just a 20 minute commute to central Manchester, 15 minutes to Stockport and just half an hour from Sheffield

It’s easy to say that Denton Police Station is an historic building, but here’s the proof, cut and pasted from the web site of Greater Manchester Police Museum…

Greater Manchester Police Museum in Newton Street is to get a major new attraction, thanks to a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) grant of £126,500. The grant, announced today (Wednesday 16 July), will help to relocate an original 19th-century courtroom from Denton Police Station to the museum, contributing to the city’s tourism and regeneration. The courtroom at Denton Police Station dates from 1895, and is the only one of its type in the North West.

We’re delighted to have acquired such a famous landmark. Our plan includes the restoration of the original building. In fact, one lucky purchaser will enjoy the unique benefit of the courthouse's beautiful ceiling. Add to that the creation of a new, sympathetic terrace fronting Market Street, and we think you'll agree that this development is indeed a local landmark. Work will take 9 months to complete and will begin in March 2006. We're ready now to offer apartments for sale ‘off plan'.

Interest in this development is already considerable and we would urge parties to stake their claim now. Pre-release information will be published in ‘One Step Ahead’, our electronic newsletter - sign up!
And finally…

A funny thing happened on the day surveyors arrived on site to conduct a technical survey, soon after our acquisition of the building was completed. The holding cells were still intact, and one unfortunate chap managed to get himself locked in one… And, according to the First Law of Sod, it was the only cell for which we did not have a key...

Within an hour, a team from The Manchester Evening News was on the scene and the following day the incarcerated individual found himself prominently featured in Britain’s leading regional newspaper. To add to his dismay, the story was then picked up by the national newspapers. The Daily Mirror, The Star, The Sun; The Daily Express and the Daily Mail all featured the unfortunate’s day of misery in clink.

It was the volume of interested phone calls we received from members of the public as a result of this coverage that led us to believe that Denton Police Station will be our fastest selling project to date.